Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Research photos (Hyde Park)

Hyde Park:

Since I was not able to visit any of the mental health related foundations or charities (at least this week I couldn't), I decided to at least hop into one of the parks, Hyde Park in order to observe the area and gather ideas and analyses.

I tried to capture photos that present my project's idea without directly taking photos of random people due to the possibility of causing an offense.

I walked in, and there I saw the people exercising, relaxing, talking, taking pictures and more.

The view near the entrance.

A lake; a place where animals can be found, and animal
interaction is one way of  fighting depression.

A restaurant! very essential for a park. Maybe the restaurant
in my park can sell organic healthy food! Just a thought.

As I have stated in our class discussion
previously, parks facilitate couples in enjoying their time right ;)

You will always find a group of people
near the animals.

Things I thought about:

  1. The Royal Parks Foundation facilitates these parks; they manage the land (obviously a huge task which requires budget and devotion).                           
  2. Activities for people: Hyde Park does carry out some activities such as marathons, fund raising for cancer and as such. Apparently the area is huge enough for exercising. There is a restaurant, and animals, which are elements that I would want my park to have.
  3. Sustainability: The place is clean, and its beauty comes from the area and the nature, rather than buildings and such elements that will probably increase the risk of depleting our natural resources and increasing the economical footprint.
  4. Environmental design is essential in this project!


  1. Should my solution be a company identity of a park?
  2. Should my solution be a company that creates the events for the existing parks?
  3. If I wanted my solution to be a park, how can provide people with extra activities without depleting natural resources, and how financially practical will this be?
  4. How should the park be dissected? Will there be places where pets won't be allowed?
  5. If my solution came out as a park, how will I utilize graphic design communication in order to make people enthused over the activities?

An example of how to separate areas in the
park where people can and cannot walk.

Random environmental signs I looked at for ideas and inspiration.

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