Monday, 21 October 2013

Something different! Exercising does not heal depression?

Now that is interesting.

According to Al Burian, exercising does not actually alleviate depression as the mainstream medicine suggests.

According to him (he who suffered from depression), exercising will not treat depression, but rather prevent it from striking a person. So, if a person already has depression, exercising will not solve the issue.

I'm not sure if that is a fact or a theory or what...

As stated in the article, exercising releases what is known as endorphins.

So what are endorphins?

It is a chemical found in the brain, and it is known to be the human body's natural analgesic. It is secreted at times of stress and pain.

Hence, if exercising helps produce this chemical, how would it not alleviate depression? But yet again, according to this article, this fact does not counter indicate that exercising will not fight sadness. In order to avoid sadness or depression in general, one must exercise early enough; that is before experiencing the state of depression.

Interesting polarizing information and ideas!


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