Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Questions about my company (Typeface?)


There are many ways through which one can create an identity for a company. Thus now I feel mentally scattered, and I'm trying to look deeply into my art/digital art to set a style for my prospective company.

  • Is it going to classic?
  • Is it going to look modern?
  • Will it revolve around the features of dark arts?
  • Should it be a combination of some/all?

After all, I do not draw only classical subject matters, and I don't only create modern artworks, I create my pieces depending on my emotions, my mood, and the meaning behind the piece at hand.

Here are some typefaces that I fancy, and that somehow have the capacity to represent my art typographically. They don't look alike; again, because my artworks do not look alike and the collection can be eclectic.

As you can see, the last one is the only typeface that is not subtle. I wish to create an identity that is artistic, not over-sophisticated, subtle yet very clear, and must have some kind of force.

For these reasons, you will see that I started looking at such typefaces for inspiration. Century Gothic (Regular) for example is simple, easy to read, the nature of the letters are open (which creates force) and yet again it's strokes are so thin that it still has a soft touch.

Optima in my opinion is a typeface that has a modern and a classical side, almost like Baskerville does, except Optima is simpler with no huge stroke variations.

Regardless what kind of typeface my company will have, I want to create it myself. As a graphic design student I find it interesting and reasonable to experience creating my own typeface to use it for my personal company.

I can either
  • Edit the existing typefaces 
  • Or create my own from scratch

Here is a list of softwares one can use to construct fonts.

I'm just throwing at you random doodles I created for the names I came up with.

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